Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Have we lost it?

Episode 6 has been up for 5 days and we have a whopping 11 downloads. One of those downloads came via Nick because he's so vain he likes to hear himself talk. 5 of those downloads came from iTunes. I'm assuming, but that means that only 5 downloads came from people who regularly or visit the blog.

So, what's the deal? Have we lost everyone? Do you care? Are the Mariners boring? Are we boring? What can we do to improve The Bush Leagues experience for you all?

This is actually something that Nick and I are trying to turn into a valuable show but we do invest a lot of personal time and effort into it. And although I love being able to play around with cool new technologies I'm also very interested in providing a service that people find useful and entertaining. By no means are we ready to throw in the towel yet, I just want to hear from you, the listeners, what you want to hear. Do we broaden the scope to all Seattle sports? Do we stick with baseball but cover it in a more general sense? Do we sacrifice a lamb during the show?

We're in a transitional stage in our show and we'll pull through, but we want to hear from you what you like!


  1. I think you guys are doing well, but you could broaden your horizons a bit...I'm thinking leave the poor lamb alone (just not alone with Nick), and bring in some more commentary from outside sources...(Lemar?) It always helps to have another angle on your topics. I also like the video blog, but you guys are way too sober. Weird, I never thought I'd say that. Maybe you could put on some stupid wigs or dress as a tranny, now that would be entertainment!

    I don't really care about the rest of the MLB, except for maybe the other teams in our division and the wild card chasers.

    Other Seattle sports would be a great addition, I'd love to hear a little more about the Sounders and it'd be a way to continue the blog all year, plus Football season is approaching!!!

    Btw, do more people than me actually pay attention to this? I figured you were doing this for my personal entertainment?

    Anyhoo, keep it up, I check it everyday, so for me you don't post enough...maybe post thoughts on each game the next day so we can get more perspective than the Times provides....

    Also, I don't twitter so that soesn't help me at all.
