Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Bush Leagues at Safeco Field

Ever wonder what its like to go to an M's game with a couple of baseball nerds who like to quote movies? We finally got around to posting our recorded thoughts during the Griffey bobble head game in which we brought the podcasting machine. Listen in as we attempt to do a little of everything; play by play, the hat trick, and bat boy bashing with a whole lot more. A typical M's game with Nick and Noah.


It's funny how the volume of our rants goes up and the game (and beer) flow on. Wonder why that is...?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Bush Leagues, Episode 10

Episode 10 is live! We go over the Eric Byrnes and Ryan Garko acquisitions along with our predictions for wins in 2010. We also managed to throw in a couple of funny surprises here and there to spice it up a bit. Also, there wasn't any MGD 64 this week.

Episode 10

Listen in and enjoy.
